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How to Check All Array Element Inside endswith()

let array1 = ["?", "!", "."];
let array2 = ["live.", "ali!", "harp", "sharp%", "armstrong","yep?"];

console.log(array2.filter((x) => x.endsWith("?")));

The output is just: ['yep?']

Because the function endsWith() only checked for "?" as you see in the code. How do I loop the elements on the array1 (suffixes) inside the endsWith function so the output is:

['live.', 'ali!', 'yep?']


  • You could use a regex, and then match each element in the filter iteration against it.

    /[?!.]$/ says match one of these things in the group ([?!.]) before the string ends ($).

    const arr = ['live.', 'ali!', 'harp', 'sharp%', 'armstrong', 'yep?'];
    const re = /[?!.]$/;
    const out = arr.filter(el => el.match(re));

    Regarding your comment you can pass in a joined array to the RegExp constructor using a template string.

    const query = ['.', '?', '!'];
    const re = new RegExp(`[${query.join('')}]$`);
    const arr = ['live.', 'ali!', 'harp', 'sharp%', 'armstrong', 'yep?'];
    const out = arr.filter(el => el.match(re));