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How to print pdf file without opening PDF viewer print prompt in python

I'd like to print a PDF file by Python, without opening any PDF viewer program (ex. adobe).

I have tried some code. It pop up the adobe program before printing.

first code

import win32print
import win32api

currentprinter = win32print.GetDefaultPrinter()
win32api.ShellExecute(0, "print", 'report.pdf', currentprinter,  ".",  0)

second code

import os

os.startfile("report.pdf", "print")

Any code I have to rewrite or any recommend program to use instead of adobe?


    1. download PDFtoPrinter.exe and move it into folder.

    2. code it.

      import subprocess
      def command_print(event = None):
          command = "{} {}".format('PDFtoPrinter.exe','report.pdf')