I'd like to solve this problem, but not sure if it's even possible...
Say I've got a page which on header shows some terms, so I start retrieving them:
$children_terms = get_terms(array(
'taxonomy' => $taxonomy_name,
'hide_empty' => false,
'parent' => $related_product_term->term_id
Great. Then I start post_content output, which is plain gutenberg blocks.
In the middle of the page contents from gutenberg, I would need to show again the above terms, like cards with thumb and title. I can do it via shortcode or custom block, but the problem is that at this point, I'm going to repeat the above query, which I already did in page template.
Is there a way to simply reuse $children_terms
on the custom block or shortcode?
Or, even more impossible: is there a way to split gutenberg output in 2 pieces, so that I can place standard 'manual' code in the middle?
I didn't find any way to pass page ($children_terms
, see above) variables to a shortcode from gutenberg. But I solved with an 'empty' (where I mean: with no custom fields) acf block and passing $children_terms
from the page template with set_query_var
, a wordpress api function.