I'm trying to do some unittesting on a method that is in a FreshMVVM view model (so no interface). I want to parse two properties with values as well.
I think I found the way to parse the properties. But I get the following exception while running the tests : Non-overridable members (here: Search ViewModel.ExecuteSearch Command) may not be used in setup / verification expressions.
The method is set public and so are the properties. I can not change them to virtual because then I get an error in my method.
here is my code:
public async void ExecuteSearchCommand()
ObservableCollection<ProductionOrder> allProductionorders = await GetDetailedProductionOrders();
if (SelectedSearch == null || Input== null) {
await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("woeps", "please make your selection", "OK");
if (SelectedSearch == "Material")
foreach (var productionOrder in allProductionorders)
if (productionOrder.MaterialNumber == Input)
foreach (var productionOrder in allProductionorders)
if (productionOrder.OrderNumber == int.Parse(Input))
if (productionOrders.Count == 0)
await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("woeps", "No data found for this selection", "OK");
unit test:
public void ExecuteSearchCommand_WitCorrectData_ListProductionOrders()
var testMaterial=testMaterials[0];
var testProductionOrder = testProductionOrders[0];
var mockVm = new Mock<SearchViewModel>();
mockVm.Setup(vm => vm.ExecuteSearchCommand()).Equals(testProductionOrder);
mockVm.SetupProperty(se => se.SelectedSearch,"Production Order") ;
mockVm.SetupProperty(ip => ip.Input, "100001");
I also tried this:
public void ExecuteSearchCommand_WitCorrectData_ListProductionOrders()
var testMaterial=testMaterials[0];
var testProductionOrder = testProductionOrders[0];
var mockVm = new SearchViewModel { SelectedSearch = "Production Order", Input="100001", ProductionOrders=new ObservableCollection<ProductionOrder>() };
But then I get an error in the GetDetailedProductionorders method used in the executesearchcommand()
I don't get this error when running the program (not the unit test)
Could someone give me a hint in the right direction? Thx! Sarah
From the second unit test you tried, when you create instance of SearchViewModel, there is no initialize of _productionOrderService.
if _productionOrderService is created in SearchViewModel it might not be initialized due to lack of their dependencies.
you have to provide _productionOrderService to the SearchViewModel by
then you can mock _productionOrderService and setup GetListAllAsync() in unit test