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Automation testing with no URL

We are provided with gherkins and asked to create feature files and perform automation testing when only UI prototypes are available and there is no URL provided. Is there a way to perform testing when there is no url available?


  • You can "write" tests when there is no URL available by using the Gherkin format. Here's an example for some calculator tests:

    Feature: Scenarios for the Calculator App
        Given Open the Calculator App
      Scenario: Pressing "C" outputs "0"
        When Press C
        Then Verify output is "0"
      Scenario: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 15
        When Press C
        And Press 1
        And Press +
        And Press 2
        And Press +
        And Press 3
        And Press +
        And Press 4
        And Press +
        And Press 5
        And Press =
        Then Verify output is "15"
      Scenario: 6 × 7 × 8 × 9 = 3024
        When Press C
        And Press 6
        And Press ×
        And Press 7
        And Press ×
        And Press 8
        And Press ×
        And Press 9
        And Press =
        Then Verify output is "3024"

    (The above examples of a Gherkin feature file were taken from the SeleniumBase Behave-BDD examples folder, which I wrote. It requires a steps file with definitions in order to work.)