A predictor (X) variable could be an orientation variable on a 360° scale.
Obviously, it is a continuum, the value 360 being very close to 1. Inputing a continuous variable from 1 to 360 into the neural network would thus introduce bias.
What would be the best way to handle this ?
Any other suggestions or comments?
By expressing your feature as 2 dimensions, instead of one you can easily avoid this problem - simply push it through cosine and sine, this way you change your angle into a point on a unit circle.
f(a) := [cos(a), sin(a)]
Note that we now have f(0) = f(2*pi) = f(4 * pi)
and so on. Note that this is in radians, if you are using degrees you want to do instead
g(d) := f(d/180 * pi)