I use go_router package for deep-linking, and the project works as expected, but on localhost. I go to a page, the adress bar updates accordingly, so does in hosted release page.
The issue comes in when i try to access a specific page directly from address bar, i.e
new tab -> my website url with link to specific page -> firebase 404 error page
new tab -> my website -> update url after website is loaded -> firebase 404 error page
Check it for yourself here.
video representation of issue here
Let me know if any code is required. I dunno why this happens. Any help is appreciated, Thank you.
I got it to work! Had to mess with hosting. Did set the project as single page app and it works! run firebase init
in terminal in directory and set this to yes
?Configure as a single-page app (rewrite all urls to /index.html)? Yes