Search code examples

Select country has the highest account balance

I am new to SQL.I have two tables Customers and deposit_transactions. I am trying to select the country which has the highest account balance for each date. I am joining deposit_transactions table(to get the sum of amount based on customer_id) and joining with customers table to get the Country

Schema (MySQL v8.0)

CREATE TABLE deposit_transactions (
  `deposit_id` VARCHAR(7),
  `customer_id` VARCHAR(5),
  `date` TEXT,
  `transaction_type` VARCHAR(7),
  `amount` INTEGER,
  `currency` VARCHAR(3)

INSERT INTO deposit_transactions
  (`deposit_id`, `customer_id`, `date`, `transaction_type`, `amount`, `currency`)
  ('DE47653', 'DO900', '1/1/2019', 'pay_in', '10000', 'EUR'),
  ('DE47654', 'DO901', '2/1/2019', 'pay_in', '10000', 'EUR'),
  ('DE47655', 'DO902', '2/1/2019', 'pay_in', '10000', 'EUR'),
  ('UK47656', 'DO903', '3/1/2019', 'pay_in', '10000', 'GBP'),
  ('UK47657', 'DO904', '3/1/2019', 'pay_in', '130000', 'GBP'),
  ('DE47658', 'DO905', '3/1/2019', 'pay_in', '140000', 'EUR'),
  ('DE47659', 'DO906', '3/1/2019', 'pay_in', '10000', 'EUR'),
  ('DE47660', 'DO907', '3/1/2019', 'pay_in', '10000', 'EUR'),
  ('DE47661', 'DO908', '3/1/2019', 'pay_in', '100000', 'EUR'),
  ('DE47662', 'DO909', '4/1/2019', 'pay_in', '10000', 'EUR'),
  ('UK47663', 'DO910', '4/1/2019', 'pay_in', '10000', 'GBP'),
  ('UK47664', 'DO911', '4/1/2019', 'pay_in', '5000', 'GBP'),
  ('UK47665', 'DO912', '4/1/2019', 'pay_in', '4000', 'GBP'),
  ('DE47666', 'DO913', '5/1/2019', 'pay_in', '10000', 'EUR'),
  ('DE47661', 'DO908', '5/1/2019', 'pay_out', '50000', 'EUR'),
  ('DE47667', 'DO914', '11/1/2019', 'pay_in', '30000', 'EUR'),
  ('DE47668', 'DO915', '11/1/2019', 'pay_in', '10000', 'EUR'),
  ('DE47669', 'DO916', '11/1/2019', 'pay_in', '25000', 'EUR'),
  ('DE47670', 'DO917', '11/1/2019', 'pay_in', '50000', 'EUR'),
  ('DE47667', 'DO914', '12/1/2019', 'pay_out', '7000', 'EUR'),
  ('DE47667', 'DO914', '12/15/2019', 'pay_in', '12000', 'EUR'),
  ('DE47671', 'DO918', '1/1/2021', 'pay_in', '9000', 'EUR'),
  ('DE47672', 'DO919', '1/1/2021', 'pay_in', '10000', 'EUR'),
  ('DE47673', 'DO920', '1/1/2021', 'pay_in', '11000', 'EUR'),
  ('DE47674', 'DO921', '1/1/2021', 'pay_in', '12000', 'EUR'),
  ('DE47675', 'DO922', '1/1/2021', 'pay_in', '13000', 'EUR'),
  ('DE47676', 'DO923', '1/1/2021', 'pay_in', '14000', 'EUR'),
  ('DE47677', 'DO924', '1/1/2021', 'pay_in', '30000', 'EUR'),
  ('DE47678', 'DO925', '1/1/2021', 'pay_in', '16000', 'EUR');

CREATE TABLE customers (
  `customer_id` VARCHAR(5),
  `country` VARCHAR(7)

INSERT INTO customers
  (`customer_id`, `country`)
  ('DO900', 'Germany'),
  ('DO901', 'Germany'),
  ('DO902', 'Spain'),
  ('DO903', 'UK'),
  ('DO904', 'UK'),
  ('DO905', 'Austria'),
  ('DO906', 'Germany'),
  ('DO907', 'Germany'),
  ('DO908', 'Germany'),
  ('DO909', 'Germany'),
  ('DO910', 'UK'),
  ('DO911', 'UK'),
  ('DO912', 'UK'),
  ('DO913', 'Germany'),
  ('DO914', 'Austria'),
  ('DO915', 'Germany'),
  ('DO916', 'Austria'),
  ('DO917', 'Germany'),
  ('DO918', 'Germany'),
  ('DO919', 'Spain'),
  ('DO920', 'Germany'),
  ('DO921', 'Spain'),
  ('DO922', 'Germany'),
  ('DO923', 'Germany'),
  ('DO924', 'Germany'),
  ('DO925', 'Spain'),
  ('DO926', 'Germany'),
  ('DO927', 'Germany'),
  ('DO928', 'Germany'),
  ('DO929', 'Germany'),
  ('DO711', 'UK'),
  ('DO712', 'UK'),
  ('DO713', 'Germany'),
  ('DO714', 'Austria'),
  ('DO715', 'Germany'),
  ('DO716', 'Austria'),
  ('DO717', 'Germany'),
  ('DO718', 'Germany'),
  ('DO719', 'Spain'),
  ('DO720', 'Germany'),
  ('DO721', 'Spain'),
  ('DO722', 'Germany'),
  ('DO723', 'Germany'),
  ('DO724', 'Germany'),
  ('DO725', 'Spain'),
  ('DO726', 'Germany'),
  ('DO727', 'Germany'),
  ('DO728', 'Germany'),
  ('DO729', 'Germany');

Below is the sample query I created. But I am not sure if its correct


SELECT t.customer_id,,t.total_amount
FROM  (SELECT customer_id,
                OVER (
                  partition BY customer_id ) AS total_amount_transfered,
                OVER (
                  partition BY customer_id
                  ORDER BY date DESC)        AS n
       FROM   deposit_transactions)t
      INNER JOIN customers AS c
              ON c.customer_id = t.customer_id
WHERE  t.n = 1
       AND t.transaction_type = 'pay_in' order by total_amount desc limit 1;


  • Step 1. Finding the total balance amount for each country.

    Since you need to get the balance and you have two kinds of transactions, I'd rather transform the "pay-out" transactions into negative balance and leave "pay-in" transactions as are. Also you should take into account the different currencies, because "GBP" currency has a higher value than "EUR" currency (GBP ~ EUR*0.85). If you don't want to consider "pay-out" negative impact, you can transform them to 0. This balance wrangling is done here by a CASE statement.

    Then the balances are aggregated with a SUM function over the corresponding countries (accessible because of the JOIN operation) and grouped over the "country" and "date" field.

    SELECT country,
           date AS transaction_date,
    --     STR_TO_DATE(date, '%m/%d/%Y') AS transaction_date,
           SUM(CASE WHEN transaction_type = 'pay_in' AND currency = 'EUR' THEN amount 
                    WHEN transaction_type = 'pay_in' AND currency = 'GBP' THEN amount/0.85
    --              WHEN transaction_type = 'pay_out'                      THEN 0
                    WHEN transaction_type = 'pay_out' AND currency = 'EUR' THEN -amount
                    WHEN transaction_type = 'pay_out' AND currency = 'GBP' THEN -amount/0.85 
               END) AS amount_eur
    FROM       deposit_transactions dt
    INNER JOIN customers c
            ON dt.customer_id = c.customer_id
    GROUP BY country,

    Optionally in this step, you could also transform the "date" field from the TEXT type to the DATE type using the STR_TO_DATE function.

    Step 2. Ranking the countries over the summed amounts.

    In order to apply a rank, you use the ROW_NUMBER window function, to partition on the transaction date and order by the balance amount descendently.

                  PARTITION BY transaction_date
                  ORDER     BY amount_eur DESC ) AS rn
    FROM   total_amounts_per_country

    Step 3. Selecting the country having the highest balance.

    You can just all rows which have the rank equal to 1, given that there will be a 1 for each date. Then select the interesting fields, namely "transaction_date" and "country".

    SELECT transaction_date, 
    FROM ranked_countries
    WHERE rn = 1

    Full Query. It uses MySQL common table expressions to combine the three steps.

    WITH total_amounts_per_country AS(
        SELECT country,
               date AS transaction_date,
    --         STR_TO_DATE(date, '%m/%d/%Y') AS transaction_date,
               SUM(CASE WHEN transaction_type = 'pay_in' AND currency = 'EUR' THEN amount 
                        WHEN transaction_type = 'pay_in' AND currency = 'GBP' THEN amount/0.85
    --                  WHEN transaction_type = 'pay_out'                      THEN 0
                        WHEN transaction_type = 'pay_out' AND currency = 'EUR' THEN -amount
                        WHEN transaction_type = 'pay_out' AND currency = 'GBP' THEN -amount/0.85               END) AS amount_eur
        FROM       deposit_transactions dt
        INNER JOIN customers c
                ON dt.customer_id = c.customer_id
        GROUP BY country,
    ), ranked_countries AS (
                      PARTITION BY transaction_date
                      ORDER     BY amount_eur DESC ) AS rn
        FROM   total_amounts_per_country
    SELECT transaction_date, 
    FROM ranked_countries
    WHERE rn = 1

    Check the demo here.