Have been using PyCharm for a few years but still cannot figure out this. Basically I have a few projects open and I want to clone a new github project and open that in a new window. I don't see any option to do that. "Open" only open local folders, "Open Recent" of course does not show projects I never cloned, and everything under "Git" is only for the current project.
The only way seems to be closing everything, and PyCharm shows a window where I can clone a new project. What did I miss? This is such a trivial requirement that I refuse to think that Jetbrain misses it. It must be somewhere, just not that obvious, no?
OK I found it. In another answer someone shows a screenshot that it can be achieved by choosing "Get from version control" under "VCS". Unfortunately I don't even see "VCS". The ultimate solution, at least for me, is to goto keymap configuration, find this "Get from version control", setup a key shortcut and then it works as expected.