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Trouble with SQLite Query/Subquery

I am having trouble with a SQLite query and I've tried googling it over the last few days, but I don't even know what the operation is called to come up with relevant answers.

I have a pretty standard SQLite table with 10 columns, but only 3 are important here - MS (milliseconds), Version, Buildings

What I am trying todo is create a table that looks like this -

Buildings Version1 Version2 Version3 Version4 Version5 etc...
1 avg(MS) avg(MS) avg(MS) avg(MS) avg(MS) avg(MS)
2 avg(MS) avg(MS) avg(MS) avg(MS) avg(MS) avg(MS)
3 avg(MS) avg(MS) avg(MS) avg(MS) avg(MS) avg(MS)

The tricky part is that there are an unknown number of versions and even the version names themselves are unknown. What I have been using is something like this -

SELECT avg(ms), version, buildings From loadtimes group by buildings, version

which creates a table like this -

avg(ms) version buildings
39527 22.5.1-0.4 1
31150 22.5.2-1.1 1
65833 22.5.1-0.4 2
76612 22.5.2-1.1 2
59430 22.5.1-0.4 3
105924 22.5.2-1.1 3

Which does give me the information I need, just not in the format where I can graph it.

What is this type of operation called? and how do I create a table with multiple unknown columns?

Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. Thank You.


  • If you can hardcode the versions, then use conditional aggregation:

    SELECT buildings,
           AVG(CASE WHEN version = '22.5.1-0.4' THEN ms END) AS "Version 22.5.1-0.4",
           AVG(CASE WHEN version = '22.5.2-1.1' THEN ms END) AS "Version 22.5.2-1.1"
    FROM loadtimes
    GROUP BY buildings;

    See the demo.