I'm getting a message into fluentd with a few keys already populated from previous stages (fluent-bit on another host). I'm trying to parse the content of the log field as follows:
# Parse app_logs
<filter filter.app.backend.app_logs>
@type parser
key_name log
@type regexp
expression /^(?<module>[^ ]*) *(?<time>[\d ,-:]*) (?<severity>[^ ]*) *(?<file>[\w\.]*):(?<function>[\w_]*) (?<message>.*)$/
time_format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%L
It works (kind of), as it extracts the fields as expected. That said, it removes all the other fields that were there before.
Example message before the filter:
filter.app.backend.app_logs: {"docker.container_name":"intranet-worker","docker.container_id":"98b7784f27f93a056c05b4c5066c06cb5e23d7eeb436a6e4a66cdf8ff045d29f","time":"2022-06-10T17:00:00.248932151Z","log":"org-worker 2022-06-10 19:00:00,248 INFO briefings.py:check_expired_registrations Checking for expired registrations\n","docker.container_image":"registry.my-org.de/org-it-infrastructure/org-fastapi-backend/backend-worker:v0-7-11","stream":"stdout","docker.container_started":"2022-06-10T14:57:27.925959889Z"}
After the filter, the message looks like this (its a slightly different one, but same stream):
filter.app.backend.app_logs: {"module":"mksp-api","severity":"DEBUG","file":"authToken.py","function":"verify_token","message":"Token is valid, checking permission"}
So only the parsed fields are kept, the rest is removed. Can I somehow use that filter to add the fields to the message, instead of replacing it?
Actually, this scenario is described in the documentation, its not part of the regexp
documentation but of the corresponding parser filter documentation:
reserve_data Keeps the original key-value pair in the parsed result.
Therefore, the following configuration works:
<filter filter.app.backend.app_logs>
@type parser
key_name log
reserve_data true
@type regexp
expression /^(?<module>[^ ]*) *(?<time>[\d ,-:]*) (?<severity>[^ ]*) *(?<file>[\w\.]*):(?<function>[\w_]*) (?<message>.*)$/
time_format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%L