I am trying to write a preprocessor macro MYPRINTF(x, ...)
that should work as printf
but with an additional length specifier w
. The definition of w
is supposed to be operating system dependent, but on Linux it is equivalent to l
The code works fine, but I'm having problems with evaluating expressions during compile time when x
is a constant expression. As an example, if I write
long int x = 13;
MYPRINTF("%wd\n", x);
on a Linux system, I would like the compiler to convert it during compile time to
long int x = 13;
printf("%ld\n", x);
Looking at the assembly code, I can say that this is not what is happening.
Here is the code that I'm running
#include <stdio.h>
#define SET_CHAR(ptr, cr) \
do \
{ \
*(ptr) = (cr); \
(ptr)++; \
} while (0)
#define SET_WORD_FMT(x) \
do \
{ \
SET_CHAR(x, 'l'); \
} while (0)
#define IS_FORMAT(c) ((c) == 'c' || (c) == 's' || (c) == 'd' || (c) == 'i' || (c) == 'o' || (c) == 'x' || (c) == 'X' || (c) == 'u' || (c) == 'f' || (c) == 'F' || (c) == 'e' || (c) == 'E' || (c) == 'a' || (c) == 'A' || (c) == 'g' || (c) == 'G' || (c) == 'n' || (c) == 'p')
#define MYPRINTF(x, ...) \
do \
{ \
char _str[512]; \
char * _strptr = _str; \
const char * _xptr = (x); \
while (*_xptr != '\0') \
{ \
if (*_xptr != '%') \
{ \
SET_CHAR(_strptr, *_xptr); \
_xptr++; \
continue; \
} \
SET_CHAR(_strptr, '%'); \
_xptr++; \
if (*_xptr == '%') \
{ \
SET_CHAR(_strptr, '%'); \
_xptr++; \
continue; \
} \
else while (!IS_FORMAT(*_xptr)) \
{ \
SET_CHAR(_strptr, *_xptr); \
_xptr++; \
} \
if (_strptr[-1] == 'w') \
{ \
_strptr--; \
SET_WORD_FMT(_strptr); \
} \
SET_CHAR(_strptr, *_xptr); \
_xptr++; \
} \
*_strptr = '\0'; \
printf(_str, __VA_ARGS__); \
} while (0)
long int slx = 18273817628731872;
int x = 13;
int lx = 7128172;
long long int llx = 1928398172938791872;
MYPRINTF("hello %wd, %d, %ld, %% and %lld\n", slx, x, lx, llx);
which is compiled using GCC 12.1.0 with flags -O3 -march=native
Is it possible to evaluate this during compile time? If so, how?
Is it possible to evaluate this during compile time?
No, it is not possible.
For example, writing of a constant-expression strlen for strings up to 62 is very memory consuming and your compiler can easily hit gigabytes of memory (mostly, because the generated preprocessor code takes so much). Writing a constant-expression string parsing function for every possible case is just not feasible and not compilable in practice.
If you want such functionality, move to a different programming language or run a preprocessor through your code. For example, preprocess your code with M4 preprocessor.
// run with m4 -P
m4_define(`MYPRINTF', `printf(m4_patsubst(`$1', `%wd', `%ld'), m4_shift($@))')
MYPRINTF("%wd", a) // expands to printf("%ld", a)
that should work as printf but with an additional length specifier w
With glibc you can redefine %d
conversion and add w
flag. https://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/Registering-New-Conversions.html