Search code examples

MongoDB lookup (join) with field in double nested array

With a MongoDB collection name department with the following structure:

  "name":"Erick Kalewe",
      "name":"Granny Kinton",
      "name":"Michale Dahmel",

and another collection group with this structure:

      "date":datetime.datetime(2022, 5, 10, 4, 24, 19),

join them to get the following:

  "name":"Erick Kalewe",
      "name":"Granny Kinton",
      "name":"Michale Dahmel",
              "date":datetime.datetime(2022, 5, 10, 4, 24, 19),

The objective is to get a report with the number of students taught by a professor from a department.


  • Query

    • unwind, do the join, and re-group back
    • its kinda big query because you want to join in nested field, and this means 2 unwind and 2 groupings to restore the structure
      (i think in general joining fields shouldn't go deep inside)
    • unwind both arrays
    • do the lookup on groupID
    • and now construct back the document as 2 level nested
    • first its impacts that need to be grouped and pushed (for rest argument i keep the $first) we sum also the students based on the comment
    • then its lecturers that i need to be grouped and pushed (for rest arguments i keep the $first) we take the lecture with the max students in the department (mongodb can compare documents also)

    Playmongo (you can put your mouse at the end of each stage to see in/out of that stage)

    [{"$unwind": "$lecturers"}, {"$unwind": "$lecturers.imparts"},
       {"from": "coll",
        "localField": "lecturers.imparts.groupID",
        "foreignField": "_id",
        "as": "lecturers.imparts"}},
     {"$set": {"lecturers.imparts": {"$first": "$lecturers.imparts"}}},
       {"_id": {"_id": "$_id", "lecturersID": "$lecturers.lecturerID"},
        "name": {"$first": "$name"},
        "faculty": {"$first": "$faculty"},
           {"lecturerID": "$lecturers.lecturerID",
            "name": "$",
            "email": "$"}},
        "imparts": {"$push": "$lecturers.imparts"},
         {"$sum": "$lecturers.imparts.max_students"}}},
           ["$lecturers", {"imparts": "$imparts"},
             {"lecture_max_students": "$lecture_max_students"}]},
        "imparts": "$$REMOVE","lecture_max_students": "$$REMOVE"}},
       {"_id": "$_id._id",
        "name": {"$first": "$name"},
        "faculty": {"$first": "$faculty"},
        "lectures": {"$push": "$lecturers"},
         {"$max": {"max-students": "$lecturers.lecture_max_students",
                   "lecturerID": "$lecturers.lecturerID"}}}}])