I'm using Logstash and trying to remove a field that is between the top-level field and the last field using the ruby filter. The top-level field name is always the same, only its subfields change.
The fields look something like this:
And I wanted it to be like this:
Also, it's not all the values in the middle field that will be removed, just a few specific cases, but I think I can solve this with a simple condition
Consider that the codes have all been tested within the filter:
filter {
ruby {
code => "
# my code here
I've tried removing with the following codes that were just ignored:
if event.include? 'topLevelField.fieldToRemove'
event.get('topLevelField.fieldToRemove').each { |key, value|
event.set('topLevelField.#{key}', value)
baseField = event.get('topLevelField')
beRemoved = baseField.keys.select{ |key| key.to_s.match('^(fieldToRemove)$') }
beRemoved.each { |key, value|
event.set('topLevelField.#{key}', value)
event.get('topLevelField').keys.each { |keyToRemove|
if keyToRemove.to_s == 'fieldToRemove'
event.get(keyToRemove).each { |keyToKeep, valueToKeep|
event.set('topLevelField.#{keyToKeep}', valueToKeep)
I tried with .each do ... end
instead of ".each { ... }" but the result was the same
I also tried with '[fieldName]'
syntax but seems to be ignored too
Does anyone have any ideas?
For the first one, in logstash a field inside another field is refered to as [foo][bar], unlike elasticsearch and kibana, where it would be foo.bar. For all three approaches, Ruby only does string magic inside double quotes. If you use
code => '
if event.include? "[topLevelField][fieldToRemove]"
event.get("[topLevelField][fieldToRemove]").each { |key, value|
event.set("[topLevelField][#{key}]", value)
then you will get
"topLevelField" => {
"fieldToKeep" => "Foo"