I am currently finishing the development of my Android app. I tested it extensively on both my Android phone and the emulator using my debug MD5 key and debugkeystore.
I generated a release MD5 key and keystore. I can create an apk file using "Export" in Eclipse (and then I sign with mu release keystore and alias). But, how can I run my app in release mode on my phone to be sure that everything is ok ? Is it possible ? Or perhaps it is not correct to speak about "running in release mode" and "running in debug mode" for Android ?
Thanks for your explanations.
I think once you sign your apk with the release key, drop to a command prompt (if in windows), and issue the following command:
adb install <path_to_apk>
Where path_to_apk is the path to your signed apk.
See this link for more help with adb.
Hope this helps!