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portlet 2.0 (jsr286) development with spring

We are discussing whether it's a good idea to switch from plain portlet development on a liferay installation to spring webmvc portlet based development.

We're starting the development of some portlets soon, so now is the time. But the problem I see is that we'd like to use some of the portlet 2.0 features, which won't work with versions older than spring 3.0. (Right?)

Has anyone insight, if it's worth the waiting? (When is 3.0 scheduled anyway?) Is the current milestone stable enough?

Our first real release will be in the last quarter of the year, so the springsource guys have some time left to get a final out of the door... ;-)

Any ideas?


So, Spring 3 has been released and it supports all JSR286 features we need. (I think it's a pretty complete support for the JSR286 features)

The only drawback I am seeing is the documentation which is not up to speed in regard to the annotations.


  • We use Spring Portlet MVC 2.5 on Liferay and we have excellent results. Most of JSR-286 functionality(like events) can be reached be extending DispatcherPortlet class.

    There is still a lot of bugs open for upcoming 3.0 release, so I would be rather conservative and stay with stable&mature version 2