On my dev machine, I am able to type resque-web
in a console and it launches a new tab on my browser which shows the Resque interface.
On Heroku, Cedar stack, how can I do the same thing? i.e. I would like to see Resque's interface for my Heroku app.
in config/initializers/resque.rb
require 'resque'
require 'resque/server'
uri = URI.parse(APP_CONFIG['redis_to_go_url'])
Resque.redis = Redis.new(:host => uri.host, :port => uri.port, :password => uri.password)
# Load all jobs at /app/jobs
Dir["#{Rails.root}/app/jobs/*.rb"].each { |file| require file }
in routes.rb
mount Resque::Server.new, :at => '/resque'
Everything works. I am now able to see the Resque web interface. However, I would like to protect this from public view. Possibly with a username and password. How can this be done?
I don't really know heroku, but if you have a config.ru or Rackup file you can run resque-web inside your own rails app, here's a sample of how to do it:
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/config/environment'
require 'resque/server'
Resque::Server.class_eval do
use Rack::Auth::Basic do |email, password|
user = User.authenticate( email, password )
user && user.admin?
app = Rack::Builder.new {
use Rails::Rack::Static
map "/resque" do
run Resque::Server
map "/" do
run ActionController::Dispatcher.new
run app
As you are already mounting it inside of rails, just add this statement in an initializer file:
Resque::Server.class_eval do
use Rack::Auth::Basic do |email, password|
user = User.authenticate( email, password )
user && user.admin?
Obviously, make User.authenticate( email, password ) whatever you use to authenticate your users.