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WorldPay AccessCheckoutSDK IOS "generateSession" gives "Identity is invalid" error

I am trying to integrate WorldPay's "AccessCheckoutSDK" in my IOS Application using Swift by following

while generating session it give me "Identity is invalid" error . Here is the code i tried

 func initializedSDK() -> AccessCheckoutClient? {
    let accessCheckoutClient = try? 
    return accessCheckoutClient

func createCardDetails(CardNumber : String , CardExpiry : String , CardCVC : String) -> CardDetails? {
    let cardDetails = try? CardDetailsBuilder().pan(CardNumber)

    return cardDetails

func CreateSession(CardNumber : String , CardExpiry : String , CardCVC : String) {
    guard let accessCheckoutClient = initializedSDK() else {
       // not going here so accessCheckoutClient is initialized
    guard let cardDetails = createCardDetails(CardNumber: CardNumber, CardExpiry: CardExpiry, CardCVC: CardCVC) else {
        // Not going here , so card details are valid

    try? accessCheckoutClient.generateSessions(cardDetails: cardDetails, sessionTypes: [SessionType.card , .cvc ]) { result in
        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            switch result {
            case .success(let sessions):
                // The session is returned in a Dictionary[SessionType:String]
                //not going here
                let cardSession = sessions[SessionType.card]
                let cvcSession = sessions[SessionType.cvc]

            case .failure(let error):
                // The error returned is of type AccessCheckoutError
                print("error \(error)")
                // It is going here and prints this error below

I am getting this error

AccessCheckoutError(errorName: "bodyDoesNotMatchSchema", message: "bodyDoesNotMatchSchema : The json body provided does not match the expected schema", validationErrors: [AccessCheckoutSDK.AccessCheckoutError.AccessCheckoutValidationError(errorName: "fieldHasInvalidValue", message: "Identity is invalid", jsonPath: "$.identity")])


Note : I am using worldPay in testMode and didn't activated live mode yet and made sure that WORLDPAY_MERCHANT_ID is correct.


  • After all the research on worldPay , i decide to mail to worldPay support, After a brief chat with them and after they went through my worldPay account, this was their final reply :

    "Your account status, "basic", "free tier" does not permit you to have access to this endpoint."

    I decided to answer my own question so that if anyone have the same problem while integrating WorldPay with test Account, This would help them. I still think WorldPay developer can handle this scenario better by returning this exact string straightforward in the api response instead of throwing a 500 server error.

    I welcome other answers and information on this post as well. If you have something informative about worldPay integration to IOS, please feel free to comment or answer this question.