Search code examples

Golang Gorm: Same query constructed differently throwing different results

I want to run the following query:

FROM artists
WHERE name LIKE '%roll%';

the WHERE clause will be dynamic, meaning that I'll iterate through a map to build it and chain it to the main query.

Having said that, before even trying the iterate I thought about testing the method chaining (I'm new with Gorm) so I ran:

var artist entities.Artist

query := as.db.Model(&artist)

query.Where("name LIKE ?", "%roll%")
if err := query.Find(&as.Artists).Error; err != nil {
    return err

as you can see I'm chaining different parts of the query and finalizing it with Find. This is returning all elements in the table. After printing out the executed query I'm getting:

SELECT * FROM `artists`  WHERE `artists`.`deleted_at` IS NULL

no mention of the LIKE clause, furthermore, I don't know where the deleted_at IS NULL is coming from. Although at the moment it doesn't matter since ultimately I was gonna add that to the query as well.

But if I run:

var artist entities.Artist

query := as.db.Model(&artist)

if err := query.Where("name LIKE ?", "%roll%").Find(&as.Artists).Error; err != nil {
    return err

I'm getting the results I'm expecting. The executed query is:

SELECT * FROM `artists`  WHERE `artists`.`deleted_at` IS NULL AND ((name LIKE '%roll%')) 

Any idea what's going on?


  • I don't know where the deleted_at IS NULL is coming from

    You may be extending your model with gorm.Model which include DeleteAt field which is cause of deleted_at IS NULL being added to the query. DeleteAt is used to check if the record is deleted then not include it in result

    no mention of the LIKE clause

    var artist entities.Artist
    query := as.db.Model(&artist)
    query.Where("name LIKE ?", "%roll%") <- will return new query
    if err := query.Find(&as.Artists).Error; err != nil {
        return err

    As Bill pointed Where returns new query with modified conditions however since you are not assigning it anything it will not be added to query

    var artist entities.Artist
    query := as.db.Model(&artist)
    if err := query.Where("name LIKE ?", "%roll%").Find(&as.Artists).Error; err != nil {
        return err

    Here you are using Find over the newly returned query which includes the condition hence it works as expected.

    To chain multiple where condition in queries you can achieve in various ways:


    var artist entities.Artist
    query := as.db.Model(&artist)
    query = query.Where("name LIKE ?", "%roll%")
    if err := query.Find(&as.Artists).Error; err != nil {
        return err


    var artist entities.Artist
    query := as.db.Model(&artist)
    err := query.
              Where("name LIKE ?", "%roll%").
              Where("name LIKE ?", "%m%").
    if err != nil {
        return err