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Godot RichTextLabel BBCODE Table and List support

I am learning Godot. I am attempting to use bbcode tables and lists inside the RichTextLabel type. It doesn't appear to work. Am I doing something wrong, or are tables not supported?

enter image description here

I have tried multiple variant ways to define lists, but none of them seem to work. the [list] and [table] types do not appear in the godot documentation.


  • Tables are supported, but there isn't a list tag. You can see the supported tags at BBCode in RichTextLabel.

    The tables are not like HTML tables. You need to specify the number of columns and then add cells. There is no "tr" or "td". For example:

    [table=2][cell][img=16]res://icon.png[/img][/cell][cell]Hello World[/cell][/table]