I'm deploying Airflow 2 on GKE Autopilot using helm chart and have provisioned a Cloud SQL instance (MySQL) to be used as DB by airflow.
I have created (using kubectl) a secret in K8s with this connection string as value and wanted to give that as an env var to all airflow pods. So tried to provide that in
env: []
section of this chart (line no 239), but it can not use valueFrom attribute there. It need value. So I want to know what are the ways by which I can refer to a secret in this helm chart and provide that as env var value to all the containers this chart deploys
You can checkout the line no. 244 which is injecting the secret to all PODs
it will also i think do same think as we can inject the secret as env variable so.
# Secrets for all airflow containers
secret: []
# - envName: ""
# secretName: ""
# secretKey: ""
values.yaml : https://github.com/apache/airflow/blob/main/chart/values.yaml#L243
Documentation details : https://github.com/apache/airflow/blob/main/docs/helm-chart/adding-connections-and-variables.rst#connections-and-sensitive-environment-variables