I have the Google Bigtable Emulator running on my local machine and listening on port 8086.
Using the C# Google.Cloud.Bigtable.Admin.V2 library I want to connect to the emulator like this:
using Google.Cloud.Bigtable.Admin.V2;
using NUnit.Framework;
Assert.AreEqual("", Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("BIGTABLE_EMULATOR_HOST"));
var client = await BigtableTableAdminClient.CreateAsync();
Despite setting the environment variable as described in the emulator documentation, the library still seems to expect (cloud) credentials. I get the following error:
The Application Default Credentials are not available. They are available if running in Google Compute Engine. Otherwise, the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS must be defined pointing to a file defining the credentials. See https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/application-default-credentials for more information.
What's the proper way to set the credentials when using the local emulator?
Google Cloud SDK for .NET has delayed emulator support. In v3.0.0, support seems to have arrived as far as the code is concerned. Please try the following code:
Google.Cloud.Bigtable.Admin.V2 2.9.0:
var admin = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("BIGTABLE_EMULATOR_HOST") switch
null => throw new InvalidOperationException("Must use emulator"),
var host => new BigtableTableAdminClientBuilder() { CallInvoker = new GcpCallInvoker(host, ChannelCredentials.Insecure) }.Build(),
Google.Cloud.Bigtable.Admin.V2 3.0.0:
var admin = new BigtableTableAdminClientBuilder { EmulatorDetection = EmulatorDetection.EmulatorOnly }.Build();