I have a central Hg repository on a samba server, and two working copies, one on a Ubuntu and one on a Windows 7 machine. Everything worked fine until I, by mistake, added to the project a file with a Russian letter in the name. I've done it in Linux. Mercurial has happily accepted it and in Linux everything still works. However I've discovered that I cannot pull changesets to Windows any longer. For hg pull
I get
pulling from ...
searching for changes
adding changesets
transaction abort!
rollback completed
abort: empty or missing revlog for figures/interfDðÁsign.svg
(The problematc filename should be interfDеsign, with Cyrillic 'е' in it.) I've renamed the file in Linux, committed and pushed the change, and can even see this change if I do hg in
in Windows. But I cannot pull it! Is there any way to correct this problem and make the repository work with Windows again?
Read this... http://groups.google.com/group/mercurial_general/browse_thread/thread/300a3f5e1a23592e There are no good news :-)
there could be a fix: try this https://www.mercurial-scm.org/wiki/FixUtf8Extension