I would like to input 5 words one word at a time and then with that word print out each letter of the word. However, I enter a while loop and it looks like the while loop never terminates after I enter the first word.
const int amountOfInputs = 5;
for (int i = 1; i <= amountOfInputs; ++i)
printf("Word Number # %d :\n", i );
char reader;
while(reader = getchar(), reader >= 0 )
printf("letters of word %d are: %c \n", i, reader);
Change the while loop the following way
#include <ctype.h>
int reader;
while( ( reader = getchar() ) != EOF && reader != '\n' && !isblank( ( unsigned char )reader ) )
That is separators of words are the space character ' '
, the tab character '\t'
or the new line character '\n'
. If you want to include spaces in words then the condition of the loop will look simpler
int reader;
while( ( reader = getchar() ) != EOF && reader != '\n' )