I have a screen
session that is always running in a separate user (for a minecraft server). Each time I want to attach to this screen, I use su -c 'screen -r mc-1.18.2' minecraft
to attach back to this screen.
I wanted to make an alias for this command just so I didn't have to type it out or go up in the command history each time. I added alias mcconsole="su -c 'screen -r mc-1.18.2' minecraft"
to my ~/.bash_aliases folder. My other aliases work just fine but when I run mcconsole
I am left with a brand new screen
session. I am not sure where the hiccup is when attaching to the screen session (which is running as I can attach to it normally).
maybe try to invert simple and double quotes, something like:
alias mcconsole='su -c "screen -r mc-1.18.2" minecraft'
or escape double quotes inside:
alias mcconsole="su -c \"screen -r mc-1.18.2\" minecraft"