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Is Apple doc for archiving an iPhone app incorrect re "Skip Install build setting"

When following the apple doco here for archiving an application, i.e. setting "Skip Install build setting" to YES, when I do then go Product->Archive it does not show up in Organizer/Archives.

However if I ignore the doco and leave "Skip Install build setting" as NO, then I do get a resultant archive appearing in Organizer.

Question - What setting should I be using to make sure the archive is good for distribution? If the answer is by setting (ie. "Skip Install build setting" ) it to YES, then how do I get around the fact the archive in this case doesn't appear in Organizer?


  • You should set the SKIP_INSTALL build setting for all targets in a scheme but your application, i. e. for all dependencies like frameworks and libraries. Don’t set it for the application target itself.