what i'm trying to achieve is to change class dynamically using the value of the ngFor scoped variable as the class of the label.Here's my code:
<ul formArrayName="pokeTypes">
<li [formGroup]="nestedForm" *ngFor="let type of this.createListOfTypes()|async; let i = index">
<!-- add style! -->
<input type="checkBox" [id]='type' [value]="type" [formControlName]="type"
<label [for]="type" [ngClass]="{'{{type}}': pokeTypes.controls[0].get('type').value !== null }">{{type|titlecase}}</label>
```**strong text**
Don't use ng class for this
<label [for]="type" [ngClass]="{'{{type}}': pokeTypes.controls[0].get('type').value !== null }">{{type|titlecase}}</label>
Instead you can toggle your class like so:
class="{{ pokeTypes.controls[0].get('type').value !== null ? type : '' }}"
Or something similar.