I try to make a simple bash script that runs multiple tools, like dehader
, cppcheck
and a bunch of custom tools, and for readability, it cleans the terminal between each tool, and wait for the user to press the enter key before running the next tool.
rm *.o
echo "removed object files"
rm __pycache__
echo "removed python cache files"
echo "everything cleaned, press enter to continue"
read a
echo "deheader done, press enter to continue"
read a
echo "cpp check done, press enter to exit"
read a
Simple reproduction of what my script does
But I don't like this solution, because I want this script to execute in another screen (I don't know how to call it exactly), just like less
does. This way, I could keep my terminal just like it was before the script call. Even if they aren't close to the less
behavior, any suggestions that could help me are welcome.
I searched online what I could do to reproduce this behavior, but didn't find anything. I'm starting to doubt that's even possible.
Note: I don't want the 'scrolling' less
behavior. I mean, there's no problem if I have to use it, but I don't particulary want it.
Thanks to the comments, I figured it out.
From what I can understand, there are two ways to do it with the "cursor addressing mode":
tput smcup/rmcup
This mode is terminal-implemented and is not supported by all terminals - and not always in the same way, for example multiple terminals don't reset the cursor position after entering this mode, so don't forget to clear
your terminal - but is fortunately supported by a large majority of modern terminal emulators.
Simply use the tput smcup
command, and then, restore it using tput rmcup
# save, clear screen
tput smcup
# example "application" follows...
read -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..."
# example "application" ends here
# restore
tput rmcup
You can enter this mode using printf \\33\[\?1047h
, then leave it using printf \\33\[\?1047l
# save, clear screen
printf \\33\[\?1047h
# example "application" follows...
read -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..."
# example "application" ends here
# restore
printf \\33\[\?1047l
Try to avoid using both methods in the same code, or using one method to enter this mode and another to exit it, as it could lead to unexpected behavior.
Personnaly, I prefer the tcup method as it's more readable and supported by all Unix systems.