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vectorized way to multiply and add specific axes in numpy array (convolutional layer backprop)

I was wondering how it would be possible to vectorize the following quadruple for-loops (this is t do with backprop in a convolutional layer).

W = np.ones((2, 2, 3, 8)) # just a toy example
dW = np.zeros(W.shape)
dZ = np.ones((10, 4, 4, 8))*2
# get the shapes: m = samples/images; H_dim = Height of image; W_dim = Width of image; 8 = Channels/filters
(m, H_dim, W_dim, C) = dZ.shape 
dA_prev = np.zeros((10, 4, 4, 3))
# add symmetric padding of 2 around height and width borders with 0-values; shape is now: (10, 8, 8, 3)
dA_prev = np.pad(dA_prev,((0,0),(2,2),(2,2),(0,0)), mode='constant', constant_values = (0,0)) 

# loop over images
for i in range(m):
    # loop over height
    for h in range(H_dim):
        # loop over width
        for w in range(W_dim):
            # loop over channels/filters
            for c in range(C):
                vert_start = 1 * h # 1 = stride, just as an example
                vert_end = vert_start + 2 # 2 = vertical filter size, just as an example
                horiz_start = 1 * w # 1 = stride
                horiz_end = horiz_start + 2 # 2 = horizontal filter size, just as an example
                dW[:,:,:,c] += dA_prev[i, vert_start:vert_end,horiz_start:horiz_end,:] * dZ[i, h, w, c]
                dA_prev[i, vert_start:vert_end, horiz_start:horiz_end, :] += W[:,:,:,c] * dZ[i, h, w, c] # dZ[i, h, w, c] is a scalar

doing backprop on the bias is easy enough (db = np.sum(dZ, axis=(0,1,2), keepdims=True)), and the weights can be dealt with using stride tricks and by reshaping the dZ and then using the dot product the rescaled input (or tensordot on the axes or einsum).

def _striding(array, stride_size, filter_shapes, Wout=None, Hout=None):
    strides = (array.strides[0], array.strides[1] * stride_size, array.strides[2] * stride_size, array.strides[1], array.strides[2], array.strides[3])
    strided = as_strided(array, shape=(array.shape[0], Hout, Wout, filter_shapes[0], filter_shapes[1], array.shape[3]), strides=strides, writeable=False)
    return strided

Hout = (A_prev.shape[1] - 2) // 1 + 1
Wout = (A_prev.shape[2] - 2) // 1 + 1
x_flat = _striding(array=A_prev, stride_size=2, filter_shapes=(2,2),
                     Wout=Wout, Hout=Hout).reshape(-1, 2 * 2 * A_prev.shape[3])
dout_descendant_flat = dout_descendant.reshape(-1, n_C)
dW = x_flat.T @ dout_descendant_flat # shape (fh * fw * n_prev_C, C)
dW = dW.reshape(fh, fw, n_prev_C, C)

this gives identical results as dW in the slow version. but doing something similar to get the derivative wrt to the input that should yield the same result, doesn't. here's what i've done:

dZ_pad = np.pad(dZ,((0,0),(2,2),(2,2),(0,0)), mode='constant', constant_values = (0,0)) # padding to get the same shape as A_prev
dZ_pad_reshaped = _striding(array=dZ_pad, stride_size=1, filter_shapes=(2,2),
                     Wout=4, Hout=4) # the Hout and Wout dims are from the unpadded dims of A_prev
Wrot180 = np.rot90(W, 2, axes=(0,1)) # the filter height and width are in the first two axes, which we want to rotate
dA_prev = np.tensordot(dZ_pad_reshaped, Wrot180, axes=([3,4,5],[0,1,3]))

the shapes of dA_prev are right, but for some reason the results aren't identical as the slow version


  • OK, turns out the error was to do with several things:

    1. dZ needed to be dilated relative to the stride in the forward propagation
    2. the window function used for windowing dZ (done after dilation of dZ) needed to be called with stride 1 (no matter the stride choice in the forward propagation) with the output heights and widths of the padded input (not the original, unpadded input -- this was the main mistake that took me days to debug)

    the relevant code is below with comments explaining shapes and operations as well as some further sources for reading. i've also included the forward propagation. i should note that after days of debugging, writing various functions, reading etc. the variable names changed after a while, so for the ease of reading, here are the names of the variables as defined in my question and then their equivalent in the code below:

    A_prev is x dZ is dout_descendant Hout is the height of dout_descendant Wout is the width of dout_descendant

    (as one would expect all references to self are to the class these functions are part of)

        def _pad(self, array, pad_size, pad_val):
            only symmetric padding is implemented
            return np.pad(array, ((0, 0), (pad_size, pad_size), (pad_size, pad_size), (0, 0)), 'constant', constant_values=(pad_val, pad_val))
        def _dilate(self, array, stride_size, pad_size, symmetric_filter_shape, output_image_size):
            # on dilation for backprop with stride>1, 
            # see:
            # see also:
            pad_bottom_and_right = (output_image_size + 2 * pad_size - symmetric_filter_shape) % stride_size
            for m in range(stride_size - 1):
                array = np.insert(array, range(1, array.shape[1], m + 1), 0, axis=1)
                array = np.insert(array, range(1, array.shape[2], m + 1), 0, axis=2)
            for _ in range(pad_bottom_and_right):
                array = np.insert(array, array.shape[1], 0, axis=1)
                array = np.insert(array, array.shape[2], 0, axis=2)
            return array
        def _windows(self, array, stride_size, filter_shapes, out_height, out_width):
                array to create windows of
                stride_size: int
                filter_shapes: tuple(int): tuple of filter height and width
                out_height and out_width: int, respectively: output sizes for the windows
                windows of array with shape (excl. dilation): 
                    array.shape[0], out_height, out_width, filter_shapes[0], filter_shapes[1], array.shape[3]
            strides = (array.strides[0], array.strides[1] * stride_size, array.strides[2] * stride_size, array.strides[1], array.strides[2], array.strides[3])
            return np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(array, shape=(array.shape[0], out_height, out_width, filter_shapes[0], filter_shapes[1], array.shape[3]), strides=strides, writeable=False)
        def forward(self, x):
            expects inputs to be of shape: [batchsize, height, width, channel in]
            after init, filter_shapes are: [fh, fw, channel in, channel out] 
            self.input_shape = x.shape
            x_pad = self._pad(x, self.pad_size, self.pad_val)
            self.input_pad_shape = x_pad.shape
            # get the shapes
            batch_size, h, w, Cin = self.input_shape
            # calculate output sizes; only symmetric padding is possible
            self.Hout = (h + 2*self.pad_size - self.fh) // self.stride + 1
            self.Wout = (w + 2*self.pad_size - self.fw) // self.stride + 1
            x_windows = self._windows(array=x_pad, stride_size=self.stride, filter_shapes=(self.fh, self.fw),
                            out_width=self.Wout, out_height=self.Hout) # 2D matrix with shape (batch_size, Hout, Wout, fh, fw, Cin)
            self.out = np.tensordot(x_windows, self.w, axes=([3,4,5], [0,1,2])) + self.b
            self.inputs = x_windows
            ## alternative 1: einsum approach, slower than other alternatives
            # self.out = np.einsum('noufvc,fvck->nouk', x_windows, self.w) + self.b
            ## alternative 2: column approach with simple dot product
            # z = x_windows.reshape(-1, self.fh * self.fw * Cin) @ self.W.reshape(self.fh*self.fw*Cin, Cout) + self.b # 2D matrix with shape (batch_size * Hout * Wout, Cout)
            # self.dout = z.reshape(batch_size, Hout, Wout, Cout)
        def backward(self,dout_descendant):
            dout_descendant has shape (batch_size, Hout, Wout, Cout)
            # get shapes
            batch_size, h, w, Cin = self.input_shape
            # we want to sum everything but the filters for b
            self.db = np.sum(dout_descendant, axis=(0,1,2), keepdims=True) # shape (1,1,1, Cout)
            # for dW we'll use the column approach with ordinary dot product for variety ;) tensordot does the same without all the reshaping
            dout_descendant_flat = dout_descendant.reshape(-1, self.Cout) # new shape (batch_size * Hout * Wout, Cout)
            x_flat = self.inputs.reshape(-1, self.fh * self.fw * Cin) # shape (batch_size * Hout * Wout, fh * fw * Cin)
            dw = x_flat.T @ dout_descendant_flat # shape (fh * fw * Cin, Cout)
            self.dw = dw.reshape(self.fh, self.fw, Cin, self.Cout)
            del dout_descendant_flat # free memory
            # for dinputs: we'll get padded and dilated windows of dout_descendant and perform the tensordot with 180 rotated W
            # for details, see ; also: ; also:
            Wrot180 = np.rot90(self.w, 2, axes=(0,1)) # or also self.w[::-1, ::-1, :, :]
            # backprop for forward with stride > 1 is done on windowed dout that's padded and dilated with stride 1
            dout_descendant = self._dilate(dout_descendant, stride_size=self.stride, pad_size=self.pad_size, symmetric_filter_shape=self.fh, output_image_size=h)
            dout_descendant = self._pad(dout_descendant, pad_size=self.fw-1, pad_val=self.pad_val) # pad dout_descendant to dim: fh-1 (or fw-1); only symmetrical filters are supported
            dout_descendant = self._windows(array=dout_descendant, stride_size=1, filter_shapes=(self.fh, self.fw),
                                out_height=h + 2 * self.pad_size, out_width=w + 2 * self.pad_size) # shape: (batch_size * h_padded * w_padded, fh * fw * Cout)
            self.dout = np.tensordot(dout_descendant, Wrot180, axes=([3,4,5],[0,1,3]))
            self.dout = self.dout[:,self.pad_size:-self.pad_size, self.pad_size:-self.pad_size, :]
            ## einsum alternative, but slower:
            # dinput = np.einsum('nhwfvk,fvck->nhwc', dout_windows, self.W)

    i've left this answer here, because all the other sources on stackoverflow or github i could find that used numpy stride tricks were implemented for convolutions of stride 1 (which doesn't require dilation of dZ) or they used very complex fancy indexing operations that were extremely hard to follow (e.g. or