I am working with ChakraUI and I want links that the user enters in the CMS in one big text block, to be underlined, but I don't want other links on my website to be underlined. I can change it in the global style, but that will change all of them on the website. What can I do to make this happen? Is there like a global style for a specific document only, or some way I can target all the a
tags inside of a p
Thanks! :)
By using the sx
props you will scope specifics styles :
a: {
textDecoration: "underline",
color: "blue.500",
_hover: {
color: "blue.800"
<p>Hello <Link href="#">Link</Link>.</p>
Your targets can be more precise if you need :
p: {
a: { /* styles */ }
or :
'p a': { /* styles */ }
For more complete typographics styles for articles, you can also use the Prose package : https://v2.chakra-ui.com/community/recipes/prose