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How To Make A Post Request Using Redux Thunk With Redux Toolkit

I have been using Redux-Toolkit more than the React-Redux. I came across situations where I had to make GET requests, So I recently started using Redux-Thunk (before this I used useEffect but, as it's not a standard way to handle async functions, when using redux. I learned about middleware).

Here is the code of my Thunk function nad extraReducer which handles the GET request

export const fetchData = createAsyncThunk("type/getData", async () => {
    try {
        const response = await axios({url});
    } catch (error) {

export const extraReducers = {
    [fetchData.pending]: (state) => {
        state.loading = true;
    [fetchData.fulfilled]: (state, action) => {
        state.loading = false;
        state.products = action.payload;
    [fetchData.rejected]: (state) => {
        state.loading = false;
        state.error = true;

In fetchData function my returned is being used in extraReducers as payload so I can set the state easily. But, now the scenario is I have make a post request and I don't know how will I send the data to my Thunk function.


  • First you create the action of posting data and send the data:

    export const postData = createAsyncThunk(
      async (data) => {
        try {
          const response = await"", data);
          // If you want to get something back
        } catch (err) {

    Then in a place where you want to send that data you just dispatch this action with the data argument that you want to send:

    const handlePost = () => {
      // whatever you want to send
      const data = .........

    If you want, you can also modify your extraReducers for this action.