I am trying to search and replace the below text in a word document using Aspose.Words (Version 22.4). But, the Aspose replace function is not able to find and replace the text in the document.
[[30 days] of Active continuous service.]]
I am using the below code, where
rule.MergeField = "[SERVICE WAITING PERIOD:\r\n[[30 days] of Active continuous service.]]";
mergedDocument.Range.Replace(rule.MergeField.Replace("\n", "&l").Replace("\r", "&p"),
"abc", new Aspose.Words.Replacing.FindReplaceOptions()
{ MatchCase = false, FindWholeWordsOnly = false });
I have also tried replacing the \n
, \r
in text with the Aspose Control Characters without any luck.
Has anyone tried something like this or does aspose support such search text?
Thank you for your help.
06/09 Updates
Replacing \r\n
with &p as suggested by Alexey worked. thank you so much. Need help on the metacharacters for aspose for below text.
Example text - Age at Date of Loss\rPercent of Original Benefit Amount\r[Age 70-74]\r[65%]\r[Age 75-79]\r[45%]\r[Age 80-84]\r[30%]\r[Age 85 or over]\r[15%]\r
Word equivalent -
\t (Tab)
Example text - COVERED LOSS OF USE OF\tPERCENTAGE OF COVERAGE AMOUNT\r\n\tFour Limbs\t[100%]\r\n\tThree Limbs\t[75%]\r\n\tTwo Limbs\t[66.67%]\r\n\tOne Limb\t[50%]\r\n
I tried to search and replace the text with \t but it does not work with below code.
rule.MergeField = "Class II:\t\tWhile participating in game, please make sure to wear your helmets.";
mergedDocument.Range.Replace(rule.MergeField.Replace("\r\n", "&p").Replace("\t", ControlChar.Tab),
finalValue.Replace("\r\n", "&p").Replace("\t", "&l"), new Aspose.Words.Replacing.FindReplaceOptions()
{ MatchCase = false, FindWholeWordsOnly = false });
You should replace a sequence \r\n
with &p
metacharacter to match paragraph break in the Document
. For example see the following code:
Document doc = new Document(@"C:\Temp\in.docx");
string match = "[SERVICE WAITING PERIOD:\r\n[[30 days] of Active continuous service.]]";
// Replace \r\n sequence (which usualy represents paragraph break in text documents) with &p metacharacter
// to match paragraph break in MS Word document.
match = match.Replace("\r\n", "&p");
doc.Range.Replace(match, "abc", new FindReplaceOptions() { MatchCase = false, FindWholeWordsOnly = false });
metacharacter represent a soft line break, which is \v
, you can insert such break in MS Word using Shift+Enter
You can use \t
character in your match string and replacement.
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
// Insert some content with tab character.
// Save an intermadiate result.
// Now replace all tabs with sequence of whitespaces.
doc.Range.Replace("\t", " ");
// Save the result.
The other character you have highlighted is cell break. You cannot replace it. Table cell in MS Word always contain a paragraph and the highlighted character is the end of the last paragraph in the cell. It cannot be removed.