I have a reactnative application, i want to check if the user enable or not the kiosk mode (Guided Access)
How we can check if user has enable Kiosk mode programmatically ?
I found nothing on the internet, Any help will be apprecied
I add on didFinishLaunchingWithOptions [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(guidedAccessStatusChanged) name:UIAccessibilityGuidedAccessStatusDidChangeNotification object:nil];
-(void) guidedAccessStatusChanged {
if (UIAccessibilityIsGuidedAccessEnabled()) {
[Connexion consumeCallBackCompoTrainEnableAccess : @"true"];
} else {
[Connexion consumeCallBackConduiteEnableAccess : @"false"];
+ (void) consumeCallBackConduiteEnableAccess : (NSString *) hasAcess {
if(callbackStockConduite != nil && callbackStockConsommedConduite == false && [hasAcess isEqualToString:@"false"]){
callbackStockConsommedConduite = true;
This callbackStockConduite is used by reactnative