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For a set of integers, get all subsets that exceed a value but do not include unnecessary members

The Problem

I'm trying to come up with an efficient means to generate all subsets of a set of integers, such that the subsets exceed some value N but do not contain any superfluous members.

That is to say, once a set exceeds N, no additional members should be added. Once you've identified a subset that exceeds N, that subset should not be included in any subsequent subsets.


Take for example the following set:

[1, 2, 5, 1, 3]

For a value of N = 6, the solution is:

[5, 2] [5, 1, 1] [5, 3] [3, 2, 1, 1]

These are all the sets that can be constructed such that no set contains a member that is unneeded to exceed N.

[5, 2, 1] is not included, for example, because [5, 2] already exceeds N, and thus any new set which also includes [5, 2] as a subset is redundant.

Generating All Sets That Exceed N

I have the following code which can be used to generate all subsets which exceed some value N

from collections import Counter

def solve(nums, target):
    counts = sorted(Counter(nums).items())
    reserve = sum(nums) - target
    if reserve <= 0:
        return []
    return list(_solve(counts, reserve, []))

def _solve(counts, reserve, prefix):
    if not counts:
        yield tuple(prefix)
    val, max_count = last = counts.pop()
    prefix.extend([val] * max_count)
    yield from _solve(counts, reserve, prefix)
    for count in range(1, max_count + 1):
        if reserve - count * val > 0:
            yield from _solve(counts, reserve - count * val, prefix)

However, I'm not sure how to modify this in way that efficiently eliminates or avoids calculating the unnecessary subsets (the one that exceed N and include a member not required to do so).


  • Here is a different way to solve this problem.

    def find_subset_sums_greater_than_n(lst,n):
        all_subsets,subset = [],[]
        for i in range(len(lst)):
            subset_sum = lst[i]
            for j in range(i+1,len(lst)):
                if subset_sum > n:
                    if len(all_subsets)==0 or subset != all_subsets[-1]:
                    if len(subset) > 1:
                        subset_sum -= subset[-1]
                        break  # stop inner loop if lst[i] > N 
            if subset_sum > n and (len(all_subsets)==0 or subset != all_subsets[-1]) :
            if sum(lst[i+1:]) <= n:   # Stop early if sum of remaining elements doesn't exceed n
        return all_subsets

    Runtime Analysis:

    The sorting takes O(nlogn), the outer for loop runs worst case n times. For each iteration of outer loop inner loop runs worst case n times and the sum function runs n times worst case, so total for the algorithm is O(n^2). (n is the length of the list).

    The only two improvements are as follows:

    1. When either N is larger than the sum of several elements at the end of the list, since the outer loop will break early in this case. Using your example, for N = 8, the algo stops once lst[i]=3 since 3+2+1+1 < 8, so we save checking [3],[3,2],[3,2,1]...,[2],[2,1]... and so on.

    2. When N is smaller then several elements at the beginning of the list. Here it will also skip several subsets by breaking the inner loop runs early, since we have exceeded N already, so we can skip all subsets that contain more than just that number. Using your example, for N = 2, we get [5] and [3] and then skip all subsets that are larger than length 1 and that contain 5 or 3.

    Despite these improvements, the runtime is still O(n^2) since we can choose an N that makes this algorithm approach the worst case scenario.