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Pyspark, find substring as whole word(s)

I would like to see if a string column is contained in another column as a whole word. There are few approaches like using contains as described here or using array_contains as described here.

The first approach fails in the following edge case:

|candidate| sentence              |
|  su     |We saw the survivors.  |

su should be found as a separate word and not as a pure substring of the sentence column.

The second approach fails when the candidate is a compound word. An example is:

|candidate       | sentence               |
|  Roman emperor | He was a Roman emperor.|

The second approach fails here because it turns the sentence column to an array of tokens: [He, was, a, Roman, emperor] and none of them is equal to Roman emperor.

Is there any way to resolve this issue?


  • This probably still has edge cases but I hope you get some ideas. I would use regex_extract to match the candidate against the sentence.

    First, I convert the candidate to regex (ie, convert space to \s), then use regex_extract with word boundary (\b).

    df = (df.withColumn('regex', F.regexp_replace(F.col('candidate'), ' ', '\\\s'))
          .withColumn('match', F.expr(r"regexp_extract(sentence, concat('\\b', regex, '\\b'), 0)")))


    |    candidate|               sentence|         regex|        match|
    |           su|  We saw the survivors.|            su|             |
    |Roman emperor|He was a Roman emperor.|Roman\semperor|Roman emperor|