I cannot get my directories made to AppData/Roaming while using this code in .net MAUI:
RootLocation = new DirectoryInfo(GetFolderPath(SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "/MyApp");
SaveLocation = new DirectoryInfo(RootLocation.FullName + "/saves");
BackupLocation = new DirectoryInfo(RootLocation.FullName + "/backups");
However if I change SpecialFolder.ApplicationData to SpecialFolder.Desktop it does work on Desktop. It seems to be a permissions issue however in Visual Studio 2019 using WPF I can still save to AppData/Roaming. Could this be an issue with Visual Studio 2022 Preview?
if (IsWindows())
savingPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyVideos);
savingPath = Path.Combine(savingPath, "yourfolder");
if (!Directory.Exists(savingPath))
I think it will be better. And the code is running correctly on my desktop and my Android app