I've learnt that it's possible to pass an action to a component: https://stackoverflow.com/a/66142037/15943057. I wonder if it would be possible to pass multiple (any number of) actions to a single component?
Edit: I've tried to write an action that would apply actions passed as an argument, and it didn't work. But I just saw this comment, so I suppose it is possible. Perhaps my mistake was that I tried to add an attribute the node.setAttribute(...)
way, maybe it could be done the Svelte way?
You could combine the actions into one single action, e.g.
export let actions;
const combinedActions = node => {
const destructors = actions.map(
({ action, params }) => action(node, params)
return {
destroy() {
destructors.forEach(destructor => {
if (typeof destructor?.destroy == 'function')
<div use:combinedActions >
Child component
Usage example:
import Child from './Child.svelte';
const color = (node, params) => node.style.color = params;
const bg = node => {
node.style.background = 'grey';
return { destroy() { console.log('destroyed') } };
let checked = true;
<input bind:checked type=checkbox />
{#if checked}
<Child actions={[
{ action: color, params: 'red' },
{ action: bg }
]} />