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How to wait until iframe will be loaded with Cypress

I have dynamically loading iframe in a application.

I'm catching a frame through this code:

Cypress.Commands.add('getIframe', (iframeLocator: string): void => {

The problem is that - without explicit timeout cy.wait(10000) conditions and be.visible are passing fine, while there is no content of iframe on the page yet.

How to catch iframe without explicit wait ?


  • You can use the cypress-iframe plugin for this. After installing you can use the frameLoaded method.

    // This will verify that the iframe is loaded to any page other than 'about:blank'
    // This will verify that the iframe is loaded to any url containing the given path part
    cy.frameLoaded({ url: '' })
    cy.frameLoaded({ url: '/join' })
    cy.frameLoaded({ url: '?some=query' })
    cy.frameLoaded({ url: '#/hash/path' })
    // You can also give it a selector to check that a specific iframe has loaded
    cy.frameLoaded('#my-frame', { url: '/join' })