I am new to wxs and I want to run a script which sets certain registries,right before my managed bootstrapper application is loaded. I haven't found any article which talks about the same.I thought by using custom actions it would solve my requirement,but i am able to see the output of this script only when it is added in the Product.wxs of the induvidual msi packages and not in the Bundle.wxs.But adding it is too late by the time it executes.I want my script to be the very first script on double clicking my bootstrapper exe. Is this possible?Please help
<CustomAction Id="CreateFileCA" BinaryKey="hello.vbs" Execute="immediate" VBScriptCall='' Impersonate="no" Return="check"/>
<Binary Id="hello.vbs" SourceFile="D:\hello.vbs"/>
<Custom Action='CreateFileCA' Before='LaunchConditions'>NOT Installed</Custom>
can only be used in an MSI. v3 was silently ignoring it when it was used in a bundle, but v4 will give a warning.
In v3, it's not possible to run anything before the BootstrapperApplication. The only way to run your code is through the BA.
In v4, there is a new concept of BundleExtension that gets loaded before the BA but it should not be used in this way. Modifications to the user's machine should only be done by packages during Apply.