I'm trying to retrieve the current user in a guard to give him access or no. I have a guard that isn't doing anything for now
export class JwtAuthGuard extends AuthGuard('jwt') {
constructor (
private readonly studentService: StudentService,
private readonly agencyService: AgencyService
) {
When I add it to two controllers like that
@UseGuards(JwtAuthGuard /* CrudAbilitiesGuard */)
@ApiBody({ type: CreateStudentDto })
async create (
@Body() newStudentDto: CreateStudentDto
): Promise<StudentDocument> {
const student = await this.service.create(newStudentDto)
if (student == null) throw new InternalServerErrorException()
return student
it throws Error: Invalid guard passed to @UseGuards() decorator
if I only use the guard in one controller, it works fine, if I comment both the services in the constructor and use it in two controllers, it also works. Seems like nest a casual hidden circular dependency but i really can't get my head around it
Same result with a Guard that extends CanActivate directly
export class CrudAbilitiesGuard implements CanActivate {
constructor (
private readonly agencyService: AgencyService,
private readonly studentService: StudentService,
private readonly reflector: Reflector,
private readonly caslAbilityFactory: CaslAbilityFactory
) {}
async canActivate (context: ExecutionContext): Promise<boolean> {
return true
Alright, massive noob mistake. In an effort of not having 300+ files I had small modules in the same file (service + controller + schemas, etc) leading to of course billions of inter-dependency and circular issues of all kinds. Note to myself: Module means MODULE