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Python to MS SQL Error: Error when connecting to SQL using sqlalchemy.create_engine() using pypyodbc


  1. I am trying to Convert the SQL output directly to Table using dataframe.to_sql, so for that i am using sqlalchemy.create_engine() and its throwing error when trying to createngine()

     sqlchemyparams= urllib.parse.quote_plus(ConnectionString)
     sqlchemy_conn_str = 'mssql+pypyodbc:///?odbc_connect={}'.format(sqlchemyparams)
     engine_azure = sqlalchemy.create_engine(sqlchemy_conn_str,echo=True,fast_executemany = 
     True, poolclass=NullPool)
     df_top_features.to_sql('Topdata', engine_azure,schema='dbo', index = False, if_exists = 

2.It will work fine if i use:pyodbc

sqlchemy_conn_str = 'mssql+pyodbc:///?odbc_connect={}'.format(sqlchemyparams)
  1. So is there any way i can using pypyodbc in sqlchem_conn_str


  • SQLAlchemy does not have a pypyodbc driver defined for the mssql dialect, so

    mssql+pypyodbc:// …

    simply will not work. There may be some way to "fool" your code into using pypyodbc when you specify mssql+pyodbc://, similar to doing

    import pypyodbc as pyodbc 

    in plain Python, but it is not recommended.

    In cases where pyodbc cannot be used, the recommended alternative would be mssql+pymssql://.