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"Authorization is required to perform that action" or PERMISSION_DENIED errors on Google sheets addon

I have a Google sheets add-on listed on the market. In most cases it works OK, but for something like 10% of the users I can see in the Log Explorer the following security Notice level entry:

  "insertId": "-95cptdf17zlkw",
  "jsonPayload": {
    "serviceContext": {
      "service": "AKfycbwdlQO2SpUoJE-rL-QMnni4dihrhsvrx16GwESJswoy8NA"
    "message": "Authorisation is required to perform that action."
  "resource": {
    "type": "app_script_function",
    "labels": {
      "project_id": "formula-tracer-side-bar",
      "invocation_type": "unknown",
      "function_name": "excuteUserRequest"
  "timestamp": "2022-05-17T15:56:10.170Z",
  "severity": "NOTICE",
  "labels": {
    "": "EAEA1GOyaeEOdACtJlc76JEW70I8J5yujif1YQ8poDnneE6Tlg85jwUqn_oSIWZygqSxQ6s6DPtMt4jkIVo6Ak-2W8lR0K6Eyldw8kTvxvn-dauNu4PbQ8cgbpvGcReRquwiaOeV-ZehZev1w-1gmujKdpnPk95NERrAmskkifGIhFhjfmKrcb_wIdJENMD_ww4kgZWxiMJ0VSmNsV-Qr2d_FFoek6tF09xXJMgtIHBVWLEG9aJrn7GLfOfebJqj4L_RXWu1xu4aSKFiayU-HcJH_8-Yuo8FSMyIeC_Qd",
    "": "Mzy7e87MSzO0enTUViEAdROLp-GB2FQma",
    "": "AKfycbwdlQO2SpUoJE-rL-QMnni4dihrhsvrx16GwESJswoy8NA"
  "logName": "projects/formula-tracer-side-bar/logs/",
  "receiveTimestamp": "2022-05-17T15:56:10.579606416Z"

Relevant add-on pseudo code:


function onInstall() {

//add menu items to spreadsheet
function onOpen() {
    let menu = SpreadsheetApp.getUi().createAddonMenu();
    menu.addItem('Show side bar', 'showSidebar');

// called by menu items
function showSidebar() {
    let template = HtmlService

    let htmlOutput = template.evaluate();


//called by client
function excuteUserRequest(param){"excuteUserRequest",param);

    //handle client request


window.onload = function(){
    /* do some html initializtions*/
    //call server when addon is launched

function sendRequest(){

    let param = getParam();
    //Call trace on server
  1. The server call to excuteUserRequest in the client sendRequest() is missing permissions. Looks like that the user(s) is not recognized by google as the error entry (although is logger entry is Notice level) is missing the user_key information as in most log entries

  2. Add-on is listed and approved after it successfully passed the oAuth verification process. So as I can understand it - the user approved the required permissions the add-on asks while installing

  3. I can not reproduce this situation. I thought it might be something with the user permissions for the specific spreadsheet the user is using. However, when using spreadsheets with no edit permission, the Google Sheets extensions menu is disabled thus the addon can not be launched at all.

  4. this post looks similar (client call app script server function sometimes fails with missing authorization), but I do not really understand if it is actually triggered by the same cause and if so, what to do.
    Other posts (this one and this one) looks irrelevant as they refer executing app script function - not one called from client, suggesting to manually run the function in the script editor to get the relevant permissions.

some clarification:

  1. user_key like actually all log fields accept the jsonPayload.message are added to the log entry. for example - the following log entry is from within showSidebar() the one before the error message.

the log message is only "[email protected] showSideBar count: 0"
where: [email protected] is the user email added by the addon for any console.log().

all other log fields are added by google for each console.log(msg). this includes the user_key which is assigned by Google.

To shortly summarize:
So same user first call showSideBar() from the spreadsheet extensions menu. This works fine, but the second call triggered immediately fails.

  "insertId": "bxz0h0f1zmrbn",
  "jsonPayload": {
    "serviceContext": {
      "service": "XXX",
      "version": "27"
    "message": "[email protected] showSideBar  count: 0"
  "resource": {
    "type": "app_script_function",
    "labels": {
      "function_name": "",
      "invocation_type": "menu",
      "project_id": "formula-tracer-side-bar"
  "timestamp": "2022-05-17T15:56:12.864Z",
  "severity": "INFO",
  "labels": {
    "": "AAA",
    "": "BBB",
    "": "CCC",
    "": "DDD"
  "logName": "EEE",
  "receiveTimestamp": "2022-05-17T15:56:13.653216430Z"

Please advise


  • I found the reason for that, and how to recreate it. There is actually a pretty old issue for that in issues tracker data base

    This is happening whenever:

    1. A client is simultaneously logged in to multiple Google's accounts
    2. the current active account (e.g. Account1) is not the default one (e.g. Account2)

    In this scenario the server call is performed under the authorization of Account2 even though the active account is Account1

    This is actually happen with Google services themselves. for example: When trying to open the script editor from the spreadsheet.
    You can see in the image that even though the spreadsheet is shared by document owner account Formula Tracer, with account Formula Analyzer (default account) with full permissions, trying to open the script editor under the authority of Formula Tracer (the owner and active account) fails.

    enter image description here

    In the question specific case

    function sendRequest(){
        let param = getParam();
        //Call trace on server
    function onFailueRequest(error){

    the failure handler onFailueRequest is called with one of the two error messages:

    • authorization is required to perform this action

    • We're sorry, a server error occurred while reading from storage. Error code PERMISSION_DENIED


    • The 2nd possible message is localized so is will come based on client language. only the suffix PERMISSION_DENIED is in English

    • The type of error parameter might be a string or Error object