im trying to set up the stripe extension for firebase localy with the emulator suite, i followed the steps here: after step 3 an extension folder with the file firestore-stripe-payments.env is created and in the firebase.json file the extension gets listed, created/changed files by the extension but thats all what was created, from my understanding some cloud functions regarding stripe should be created by the stripe extension(inside the index.ts file)
so in step 4: to Test this extension locally with '$ firebase emulators:start' i dont know how/where i can see these functions or test them.
also i dont see any collection regarding stripe in firestore(i already created a product in stripe dashboard), it should look like this image
ps: no error is thrown while execution all steps (i didnt do the last step for the deployment)
Updating the firebase-tools to the latest version with "npm install -g firebase-tools" solved it for me, before i had v10.0.8 and only with v10.0.9 the emulator suite supports the extensions feature.