I'm trying to build a query which sums up a column for all rows with unique IDs (interested only in the latest entry for a given ID). The thing is the IDs are coming from one of 2 columns so I'm using COALESCE. This is what I roughly want:
SELECT COALESCE(SUM(ct.amount), 0)
DISTINCT ON (COALESCE(NULLIF(pt.originalID, 0), pt.ID)) id, -- use originalID otherwise ID
FROM prettyTable AS pt
ORDER BY pt.creation_time DESC
) AS ct
So I want the most recently created amount for each unique id where the id comes from either originalID
or if that's 0 then simply ID
Note: I've tried adding the creation_time
to the select clause but that doesn't work. I've also tried matching the ORDER BY with the SELECT but I can't make that work either...
Example Rows:
originalID, ID, creation_time, amount, ...
0 , 1, 2004-10-19 , 10 -- add to sum
0 , 2, 2004-10-20 , 10 -- coalesced id=2; ignore
2 , 3, 2004-10-21 , 20 -- coalesced id=2; ignore
2 , 4, 2004-10-22 , 30 -- coalesced id=2; add to sum
0 , 5, 2004-10-23 , 10 -- coalesced id=5; add to sum
5 , 6, 2004-10-19 , 60 -- coalesced id=5; ignored
The result for the above should be the sum of the 1st, 4rd and 5th rows = 10 + 30 + 10 = 50
clause requires the column you applied DISTINCT ON
on in its definition, hence your problem may be solved like this:
SELECT COALESCE(SUM(ct.amount), 0)
(COALESCE(NULLIF(pt.originalID, 0), pt.ID)) id,
FROM prettyTable AS pt
ORDER BY (COALESCE(NULLIF(pt.originalID, 0), pt.ID)),
pt.creation_time DESC
) AS ct
Check the demo here.