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My Discord bot is Shown as Online, but does not Respond with Anything when Using Heroku

I just setup Heroku and it was very easy, however when I tested it nothing happened. Even though the bot was online, so I looked at the log in Heroku, and everything looked fine. The mongodb was connected, and it said my bot was online. I've tried restarting dyno, using a new discord token, completely restarting my app, but nothing works. Help very much appreciated!(I'm using GitHub for deploying)

Here is my Heroku Log:

And just in case my Procfile:

worker: node main.js


  • Have you tried using workflows? They are very easy to use and only need 2 min of your time, as the problem may occur from heroku when it automatically deploys the branch.


    1. Create a .github folder
    2. inside that folder create a workflows folder
    3. inside that folder create a main.yml file
    4. insert the below code:
    name: Deploy
          - main # the branch to deploy to heroku
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - uses: actions/checkout@v2
          - uses: akhileshns/[email protected] 
              heroku_api_key: ${{secrets.HEROKU_API_KEY}} #go to settings and under  copy your token key, then go to your repository add a secret in the settings of the repository with name `HEROKU_API_KEY` and value `your API key`
              heroku_app_name: "herokuappname" #Must be exact with yours
              heroku_email: "youremail"

    so your path should be .github/workflows/main.yml

    if you need further help then you can comment here also make sure to see in resources if the worker is enabled 🔛. I hope i helped 🥳