I would like to simulate individual changes in growth and mortality for a variable number of days. My dataframe is formatted as follows...
import pandas as pd
data = {'unique_id': ['2', '4', '5', '13'],
'length': ['27.7', '30.2', '25.4', '29.1'],
'no_fish': ['3195', '1894', '8', '2774'],
'days_left': ['253', '253', '254', '256'],
'growth': ['0.3898', '0.3414', '0.4080', '0.3839']
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
unique_id length no_fish days_left growth
0 2 27.7 3195 253 0.3898
1 4 30.2 1894 253 0.3414
2 5 25.4 8 254 0.4080
3 13 29.1 2774 256 0.3839
Ideally, I would like the initial length (i.e., length) to increase by the daily growth rate (i.e., growth) for each of the days remaining in the year (i.e., days_left).
df['final'] = df['length'] + (df['days_left'] * df['growth']
However, I would also like to update the number of fish that each individual represents (i.e., no_fish) on a daily basis using a size-specific equation. I'm fairly new to python so I initially thought to use a for-loop (I'm not sure if there is another, more efficient way). My code is as follows:
# keep track of run time - START
start_time = time.perf_counter()
df['z'] = 0.0
for indx in range(len(df)):
count = 1
while count <= int(df.days_to_forecast[indx]):
# (1) update individual length
df.lgth[indx] = df.lgth[indx] + df.linearGR[indx]
# (2) estimate daily size-specific mortality
if df.lgth[indx] > 50.0:
df.z[indx] = 0.01
if df.lgth[indx] <= 50.0:
df.z[indx] = 0.052857-((0.03/35)*df.lgth[indx])
elif df.lgth[indx] < 15.0:
df.z[indx] = 0.728*math.exp(-0.1892*df.lgth[indx])
df['no_fish'].round(decimals = 0)
if df.no_fish[indx] < 1.0:
df.no_fish[indx] = 0.0
elif df.no_fish[indx] >= 1.0:
df.no_fish[indx] = df.no_fish[indx]*math.exp(-(df.z[indx]))
# (3) reduce no. of days left in forecast by 1
count = count + 1
# keep track of run time - END
total_elapsed_time = round(time.perf_counter() - start_time, 2)
print("Forecast iteration completed in {} seconds".format(total_elapsed_time))
The above code now works correctly, but it is still far to inefficient to run for 40,000 individuals each for 200+ days.
I would really appreciate any advice on how to modify the following code to make it pythonic.
As I said in my comment, a preferable alternative to for loops in this setting is using vector operations. For instance, running your code:
import pandas as pd
import time
import math
import numpy as np
data = {'unique_id': [2, 4, 5, 13],
'length': [27.7, 30.2, 25.4, 29.1],
'no_fish': [3195, 1894, 8, 2774],
'days_left': [253, 253, 254, 256],
'growth': [0.3898, 0.3414, 0.4080, 0.3839]
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# keep track of run time - START
start_time = time.perf_counter()
df['z'] = 0.0
for indx in range(len(df)):
count = 1
while count <= int(df.days_left[indx]):
# (1) update individual length
df.length[indx] = df.length[indx] + df.growth[indx]
# (2) estimate daily size-specific mortality
if df.length[indx] > 50.0:
df.z[indx] = 0.01
if df.length[indx] <= 50.0:
df.z[indx] = 0.052857-((0.03/35)*df.length[indx])
elif df.length[indx] < 15.0:
df.z[indx] = 0.728*math.exp(-0.1892*df.length[indx])
df['no_fish'].round(decimals = 0)
if df.no_fish[indx] < 1.0:
df.no_fish[indx] = 0.0
elif df.no_fish[indx] >= 1.0:
df.no_fish[indx] = df.no_fish[indx]*math.exp(-(df.z[indx]))
# (3) reduce no. of days left in forecast by 1
count = count + 1
# keep track of run time - END
total_elapsed_time = round(time.perf_counter() - start_time, 2)
print("Forecast iteration completed in {} seconds".format(total_elapsed_time))
with output:
unique_id length no_fish days_left growth
0 2 27.7 3195 253 0.3898
1 4 30.2 1894 253 0.3414
2 5 25.4 8 254 0.4080
3 13 29.1 2774 256 0.3839
Forecast iteration completed in 31.75 seconds
unique_id length no_fish days_left growth z
0 2 126.3194 148.729190 253 0.3898 0.01
1 4 116.5742 93.018465 253 0.3414 0.01
2 5 129.0320 0.000000 254 0.4080 0.01
3 13 127.3784 132.864757 256 0.3839 0.01
Now with vector operations, you could do something like:
# keep track of run time - START
start_time = time.perf_counter()
df['z'] = 0.0
for day in range(1, df.days_left.max() + 1):
update = day <= df['days_left']
# (1) update individual length
df[update]['length'] = df[update]['length'] + df[update]['growth']
# (2) estimate daily size-specific mortality
df[update]['z'] = np.where( df[update]['length'] > 50.0, 0.01, 0.052857-( ( 0.03 / 35)*df[update]['length'] ) )
df[update]['z'] = np.where( df[update]['length'] < 15.0, 0.728 * np.exp(-0.1892*df[update]['length'] ), df[update]['z'] )
df[update]['no_fish'].round(decimals = 0)
df[update]['no_fish'] = np.where(df[update]['no_fish'] < 1.0, 0.0, df[update]['no_fish'] * np.exp(-(df[update]['z'])))
# keep track of run time - END
total_elapsed_time = round(time.perf_counter() - start_time, 2)
print("Forecast iteration completed in {} seconds".format(total_elapsed_time))
with output
Forecast iteration completed in 1.32 seconds
unique_id length no_fish days_left growth z
0 2 126.3194 148.729190 253 0.3898 0.0
1 4 116.5742 93.018465 253 0.3414 0.0
2 5 129.0320 0.000000 254 0.4080 0.0
3 13 127.3784 132.864757 256 0.3839 0.0