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Using the schematics commands in Spartacus

I am trying to use the schematics command "npx ng @spartacus/schematics:add-pwa" (I am not using a global npm repo or angular installation, due to version conflicts with other projects).

I get the following output:

The specified command ("@spartacus/schematics:add-pwa") is invalid. For a list of available options,
run "ng help".
Did you mean "analytics"?

ng cli commands work fine, also adding @spartacus/schematics worked fine (npx ng add @spartacus/schematics@latest), yarn build works fine (npx yarn build).

If I run npx ng add @spartacus/schematics --ssr, this also works fine, prompts me again for the features I want and adds SSR to the project.

Do I have to do anything else to be able to run the additional Spartacus Schematics commands as they are mentioned in the documentation (

Thank you! Cristi C.


  • I found the answer to my question. It was a mistake on my side. I was trying to call:

    npx ng @spartacus/schematics:add-pwa

    but the correct call is:

    npx ng g @spartacus/schematics:add-pwa

    Reading the documentation with more attention helps...