How do I pass an array into the query of httr? The request url should look like that:
My current code looks like that:
query = data.frame("something" = "somethingElse", type = ),
add_headers(.headers = c("token" = token),
encode = "json")
How do I add those types from the url example to my R example?
The default encoding for httr
doesn't like to use the same name multiple times, but it is possible to separate your values into lists which have duplicate names. Here's a helper function i've used that can help
flattenbody <- function(x) {
# A form/query can only have one value per name, so take
# any values that contain vectors length >1 and
# split them up
# list(x=1:2, y="a") becomes list(x=1, x=2, y="a")
if (all(lengths(x)<=1)) return(x);"c", mapply(function(name, val) {
if (length(val)==1 || any(c("form_file", "form_data") %in% class(val))) {
x <- list(val)
names(x) <- name
} else {
x <- as.list(val)
names(x) <- rep(name, length(val))
}, names(x), x, USE.NAMES = FALSE, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
Then you could use it with something like
query = flattenbody(list(something="somethingElse", type = c(3, 5))),
add_headers(.headers = c("token" = token)),
encode = "json"