I have the following documents:
_id: "Team 1"
count: 1200
_id: "Team 2"
count: 1170
_id: "Team 3"
count: 1006
_id: "Team 4"
count: 932
_id: "Team 5"
count: 931
_id: "Team 6"
count: 899
_id: "Team 7"
count: 895
The list is already sorted and everything, I just need to project this as an array of top 5 based on count and then the rest should be summed as 'others'. If possible I'd like to also add the percentage that each element in the list makes up of the full count. Like this:
{"name":"Team 1", "count":1200, "percent":25},
{"name":"Team 2", "count":1170,"percent":15},
{"name":"Team 3", "count":1006,"percent":10},
{"name":"Team 4", "count":932,"percent":5},
{"name":"Team 5", "count":931,"percent":5},
{"name":"Other", "count":1794, "percent":40}]
another way to do it using $facet
since $setWindowFields
only works with mongodb v5 or later
{ $sort: { count: -1 } },
"$facet": {
others: [
{ "$skip": 5 },
"$group": {
"_id": "others",
"count": { "$sum": "$count" }
top5: [ { "$limit": 5 } ]
"$project": { result: { "$concatArrays": [ "$others", "$top5" ] } }
"$addFields": { totalCount: { "$sum": "$result.count" } }
{ $unwind: "$result" },
$project: {
_id: "$result._id",
count: "$result.count",
percent: {
$round: [
{ "$multiply": [ { $divide: [ "$result.count", "$totalCount" ] }, 100 ] },