i am using vue3 and using vue-draggable.
i had a array:
brand: [
{ id: 0, order: 0 ,name: "Adidas", content:[
{id: 0, order: 0, name:"UK Shoe Size"},
{id: 1, order: 1, name:"US Shoe Size"},
{ id: 1, order: 1 ,name: "Fila", content: [
{id: 0, order: 0, name:"US Shoe Size"}
{ id: 2, order: 2 ,name: "K-Swiss" , content: [
{id: 0, order: 0, name:"UK Shoe Size"},
{id: 1, order: 1, name:"US Shoe Size"},
{id: 2, order: 2, name:"Eur Shoe Size"}
and i show it with in 2 draggable components. view of the page
It works on looping the brand, and brand.content. But i cannot got the brand.name or brand.id in child (Draggable in brand.content), like if i drag and drop in Adidas (brand.id = 0), i cannot know which content i changed. I cannot access the brand.id from the child draggable.
I tried to use v-bind, but it not working.
Any suggestions? Thanks for helping!
Here is the simplify code:
<draggable :list="brand" :disabled="!enabled" item-key="name" class="list-group" ghost-class="ghost"
v-bind="dragOptions" handle=".handle" :group="{ name: 'brand' }" @start="dragging = true" @end="dragging = false">
<template #item="{ element, index }">
<div class="list-group-item" :class="{'not-draggable' : !enabled}">
<div class="row handle drag-object">
ID: {{ element.id }} , Name: {{ element.name }}
<button class="btn btn-primary" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" :data-bs-target="'#target'+element.id"
aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseExample">
<div class="row">
<div class="collapse" :id="'target'+element.id" :class="{'show' : showAll}">
<div class="card card-body size-classes">
<!-- v-bind:mainType not working -->
<draggable v-bind:mainType="element.name" :list="element.content" :disabled="!enabled2"
item-key="size-class" class="list-group" ghost-class="ghost" v-bind="dragOptions" handle=".handle"
:group="{ name: 'size-class'+element.name}" @start="dragging2 = true" @end="dragging2 = false">
<!-- v-bind:mainType not working -->
<template #item="{ element, index, mainType }">
<div class="list-group-item size-classes-bar" :class="{'not-draggable' : !enabled2}">
<div class="row handle drag-object">
<!-- cannot get the mainType -->
inform: {{ mainType }} ,ID: {{ element.id }} , Name: {{ element.name }}
<button class="btn btn-primary" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse"
:data-bs-target="'#target2'+element.id" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseExample">
<div class="collapse" :id="'target2'+element.id" :class="{'show' : showAll2}">
<div class="card card-body size-classes-details">
<h1>Something ..</h1>
Simple solution: in the content item scope, you have access to two variables named element
. They are shadowing each other, so it picks the "closest" one.
Just rename it in the destructuring, and you could refer to both variables:
<template #item="{ element: brand, brandIndex }"> <!-- Rename element to brand -->
ID: {{ brand.id }} , Name: {{ brand.name }}
<template #item="{ element: content, index: contentIndex }"> <!-- Rename element to content -->
{{ brand.id }} {{ content.id }} <!-- You have access to both variables -->
A better solution would be to simplify your component by creating sub components, and pass the brand / content as a prop:
<!-- Parent component -->
<template #item="{ element, index }">
<brand-component :brand="element" :index="index />
<!-- Brand component -->
<template #item="{ element, index }">
<sub-component :brand="brand" :content="element" :index="index" />
props: {
element: Object,
index: Number,
<!-- Brand Content component -->
props: {
brand: Object,
element: Object,
index: Number,
prop doesn't seem to exist on draggable
in templates.